Consortium for Inclusive Education

In 2002, a group of professors from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) (Gerardo Echeita and Marta Sandoval), the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB) (David Durán and Esther Miquel) and the Ramón LLull University of Barcelona ( Climent Giné), with the collaboration of experts from OREALC (UNESCO's regional office, based in Chile) (Rosa Blanco and Ana Luisa López), we grouped around the common interest in publicizing the work of teachers Tony Booth and Mel Ainscow known as the Index for Inclusion. We then took care of the translation, editing and dissemination in Spanish of the 2nd English edition, also collaborating in the editions that were later made in Catalan and Basque, in the latter case at the initiative of our dear friend (DEP) Carlos Ruiz. Years later and also counting on the involvement of Cecilia Simón (UAM) and Yolanda Muñoz (UA), we took charge of the translation and editing of the third edition (2011), with the collaboration of the Organization of Ibero-American States (OEI). ) and the Employee Home Foundation (FUHEM), in Madrid. To this end, we organized ourselves as the Consortium for Inclusive Education (CEI), and for approximately twenty years, we have collaboratively organized and maintained a website in which we have collected news, resources, publications and contacts with other groups, in Spain and other parts of the world. world, particularly in Latin America, who work on these issues. The Consortium website was also one of the nodes, in Spanish, of the Index for Inclusion Network, created specifically by Professor Tony Booth, to disseminate this work. From now on, this group, EQUIDEI, together with the OnInclusion group, collaboratively assume the task of giving continuity to the work of the Consortium, integrating its resources in their respective websites. As a final touch to this process, we are very proud that the National Council to Prevent Discrimination, CONAPRED, which is a Mexican State body created by the Federal Law to Prevent and Eliminate Discrimination (LFPED), approved on April 29 of 2003, will grant us in the year 2020 to the "Consortium for Inclusive Education", the Recognition for Equality and Non-Discrimination, International category, for its struggle to make effective the right to an inclusive education contemplated in Art. 24 of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities." CONAPRED is a highly recognized institution in Mexico, whose purpose is to promote policies and measures aimed at contributing to cultural and social development and advancing social inclusion and guaranteeing the right to equality, which is the first of the fundamental rights in the Mexican Federal Constitution.The award ceremony in its different categories took place on the 1st October 9, virtually, in Mexico City. On behalf of the Consortium, Gerardo Echeita received said recognition with a few words of thanks. We understand that this was a collective recognition to each and every person that in one way or another we share, as CONAPRED's recognition says, the endless task of treating of realizing the right to a more inclusive education. Their recognition has been an immense motivation and encouragement to continue strongly in the collective purpose that all the good people of the Consortium pursue, although now we do it from these new platforms. We hope to continue counting on your visits and interest ! THANKS A LOT

Index for Inclusion Network

"Index for Inclusion Network", (now inactive) was a network of networks, promoted by Tony Booth to facilitate mutual knowledge and collaborative work between educational centers from all over the world and from all educational stages, who share the desire and goal of advancing and consolidating educational projects that support values and principles of equity, social justice or inclusion, depending on the perspective from which it is viewed. A common element in this network has been the use of the Index for Inclusion (particularly its third edition), created by Tony Booth and Mel Ainscow (2011) in the United Kingdom, but which today has been translated into more than 20 languages and is used in very different parts of the world as a support or lever to promote the school changes necessary to put the values of educational inclusion into action.

Publications related to the Index / Guide to inclusive education

Booth, T; Ainscow, M. Kingston, D. (2006). Index for Inclusion Game development, learning and participation in Early Childhood Education. Salamanca: Institute for Community Integration. INICO EY Spanish.pdf Booth, T & Ainscow, M. (2002) Guide for the evaluation and improvement of inclusive education. Madrid: University Consortium for Inclusive Education. * Version in Basque * Version in Catalan (in PDF format). online version Booth, T., Simón, C., Sandoval, M., Muñoz, Y. and Echeita, G. (2015). Guide for inclusive education. Promoting learning and participation in schools. New revised and expanded edition, Ibero-American Electronic Journal on Quality, Efficacy and Change in Education, 13 (3), 5-19 Duran, D., Giné, C. and Marchesi, A. (2010). Guide for analysis, reflection and evaluation of practices included. Barcelona: Department of Education. Duran. D., Echeita, G., Giné, C., Miquel, E., Ruiz, C., & Sandoval, M. (2005). First experiences of using the Guide for the evaluation and improvement of inclusive education (Index for Inclusion) in the Spanish State. Ibero-American Electronic Journal on Quality, Efficacy and Change in Education, 3(1), 464-467. EASPD (2012). Analysis of the use and value of the Index for Inclusion (Booth & Ainscow 2011) and other instruments to assess and develop inclusive education practice in P2i partner countries. Brussels/Tilburg, Fontys OSO. Echeita, G., Simon, C., Sandoval, M., and Muñoz, Y. (2021). Using the Index for inclusion in Spain Lessons learned and common challenges. International Journal of Learning and Change. Echeita, G. Simón, C., Sandoval, M, and Muñoz, Y. (2016). Sense and Sensibility. Guide for inclusive education. Cuadernos de Pedagogía, 466, 76-81 Echeita, G. and Navarro, D. (2014) Inclusive education and sustainable development. An urgent call to think about them together. Edetania, 46, 141-161 Fernández-Archilla, JF Álvarez, J. , Aguilar-Parra, JM-, Trigueros, R., Alonso-López, ID and Echeita, G. (2020). Validation of the Index for Inclusion Questionnaire for Compulsory Secondary Education Students. Sustainability,12, 2169; doi:10.3390/su12062169 Figueroa, I. and Muñoz, Y. (2015). The Guide for educational inclusion as an institutional evaluation tool: report of an experience. Latin American Journal of Inclusive Education, 8(2), 179-198. Hernandez, AM and Ainscow, M. (2020). Development of a guide to promote inclusive e-learning in higher education. Educational Profiles. 168(XLII), 60-75 Salceda, M and Ibañez, A. (2015). Adaptation of the Index for Inclusion to the field of higher education: Preliminary study. Intangible Capital- C, 11(3): 508-545 Sandoval, M., López, ML, Miquel, E., Durán, D., Giné, C., & Echeita , G. (2002). Index for Inclusion. A guide for the evaluation and improvement of inclusive education. Educational Contexts, 5, 227-238.
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